Our Superior Electrolytes are in production right now and will be available soon. You can read more about Celtic Salt and why we decided to use this superior product below.

Why do we use Celtic Sea Salt?

Celtic sea salt, also known as grey salt or sel gris in French, undergoes minimal processing compared to its refined counterparts.

Harvested from tidal ponds where seawater is naturally evaporated by sun and wind, Celtic sea salt retains a rich spectrum of minerals such as magnesium, calcium, and potassium.

These minerals contribute not only to its flavor complexity but also to its nutritional value.

What sets Celtic Sea Salt apart from others?

In the realm of nutrition, not all salts are created equal.

Amidst the array of options, Celtic sea salt stands out not only for its distinct flavor but also for its impressive health benefits.

Derived from the coastal regions of France, Celtic sea salt is harvested through ancient methods that preserve its natural mineral content, making it a superior choice over refined table salt.

Health Benefits of Celtic Sea Salt:

  1. Mineral-Rich Profile: Unlike table salt, which is stripped of its natural minerals during processing, Celtic sea salt retains up to 80 essential minerals. These minerals play crucial roles in maintaining electrolyte balance, supporting nerve function, and regulating hydration levels in the body.
  2. Balanced Sodium Content: While Celtic sea salt does contain sodium chloride like other salts, its mineral composition helps to balance electrolytes, potentially reducing the risk of sodium-related health issues when used in moderation.
  3. Enhanced Flavor and Palatability: The natural harvesting process gives Celtic sea salt a slightly moist texture and a distinctive briny flavor that enhances the taste of dishes without overwhelming them. Its larger crystals also provide a satisfying crunch when used as a finishing salt.
  4. Digestive Support: The minerals present in Celtic sea salt may support digestive health by promoting proper stomach acid production and aiding in nutrient absorption.